I dreamt the world was about to end (something about electromagnetics, perhaps inspired by "The Core" which I haven't seen). I wasn't too fussed because I was terminally ill anyway, so I threw away my wallet. Then I regretted doing so because I couldn't get into my flat and I began to doubt both my diagnosis and the general warnings of impending doom. I had planned a suicide where I jumped into the centre of the Earth. I think the alarm then went off and I went to PC World.
...Until you post more Simpsons quotes. I think this is my favourite exchange - Marge is talking to her lawyer, Lionel Hutz, about an upcoming trial:
Hutz: Now don't you worry, Mrs. Simpson, I—Uh-oh. We've drawn Judge Snyder. Marge: Is that bad? Hutz: Well, he's had it in for me ever since I kinda ran over his dog. Marge: You did? Hutz: Well, replace the word "kinda" with the word "repeatedly," and the word "dog" with "son."
I've just watched Bart vs. Australia (Season 6) and I've decided this is the perfect Simpsons, which is odd since the peripheral characters are hardly in it. Lee would you agree? I know it's one of your favourites. What are your favourite quotes? The next episode on my DVD (Homer vs. Patty and Selma) contains the immortal line from Patty (or Selma?) to Marge: "When are you gonna wake up and smell your husband?" I also like Homer answering the phone whilst wearing only a towel: "YOU'LL HAVE TO SPEAK UP - I'M WEARING A TOWEL."